
Varieties and hybrids of celery, time-tested.

Celeriac "Albin"
Celeriac "Albin". Improves water-salt metabolism and has a positive effect on obesity and neuroses. Mid-early variety, resistant to flowering. From emergence to technical ripeness 130-140 days. The root crops are round, with a small numb..
Celeriac "Asterix" F1
Celeriac "ASTERIX" F1. An early high-yielding hybrid variety intended for harvesting with leaf stalks or for autumn harvest for storage. The bulb is big and round, the root system grows only from its lower part. It is resistant to bolting..
Celeriac "Kompakt"
Celeriac "KOMPAKT" - Apium graveolens L. var. rapaceum (Mill.) Gaud. Mid-season variety (the period from germination to the readiness of root crops is 140-150 days). Leaves of medium length, dark green. Root crops are rounded, with a smal..
Celeriac "Maxim"
Root celeriac "Maxim". A late variety of celeriac intended for autumn harvest. It does not tend to bolt. Bulbs are rather big, globular, with cream white flesh. They can be used for immediate consumption, industrial processing, deep f..
Celeriac "Talar" (smallage)
Root celery "Talar" (celeriac) - Apium graveolens var. rapaceum. Useful for men! Early maturing variety. Juicy pulp with a nutty flavor is used as a stand-alone dish or as a delicious seasoning. It has a positive effect on the o..
Celery "Bianco del Veneto"
Root celery "Bianco del Veneto" - Apium graveolens var. rapaceum. Late, high-yielding variety. Medium-sized plant with well-developed foliage. The root is spherical, large, with a dark brown skin. The flesh is white and fir..
Celery "Jemny"
Celery - leaf  "JEMNY". A variety of leaf celery intended for the harvest of fine, strongly aromatic leaves. The plant forms a very thick rosette with 30 to 40 shoots. The growing time from planting is approx. 70 to 80 days. Recommend..
Celery "President"
Celeriac "President". Mid-season variety: 170-180 days from germination. The rosette of leaves is erect, 38 cm high, the leaf is of medium size, dark green and the petiole of medium length is green. A spherical root crop, weighing up to 20..
Celery root "Prager Reuzen"
Celery root ''Prague Giant''. Excellent quality of root vegetables. Mid-early variety. The period from germination to harvesting of root crops is 120-130 days. The root crops are large, weighing up to 500 g. The pulp is white, tende..
Celery stalk "Pascal"
Celery stalk "Pascal" - Apium graveolens var. rapaceum. Medium early (from germination to cut 150-165 days) petiolar variety. The rosette of leaves is powerful, erect, up to 70 cm high, weighing 750-850 g, consisting of 13-15 leaves. Lea..
Celery-stalk "Malachit"
Stalk celery "MALACHITE". A mid-early, medium-large variety of celery with dark green leaves. Leaf stalks are strong, pulpy, long and erect. The growing time from planting is approx. 75 - 85 days. Recommended spacing is 40 x 35 cm to 40 x ..
Celery-stalk "TALL UTAH 52/70"
STALK CELERY "TALL UTAH 52/70". A medium-early variety of leaf celery. The vegetation period is 80-90 days. The stalks are thick, fleshy, and 40-70 cm long. Grows best in heavy, humus-rich, well-tilled, but not wet soil. Green Utah is a v..
Eco seeds
Leaf celery "Common"
Leaf celeriac "Common". An amazing aromatic plant: table decoration and healing seasoning. Good for men! Mid-season variety: the period from germination to the start of harvesting is 65-70 days. The leaves are highly aromatic. The leaf r..
Leaf Celery "Verde da Taglio"
Leafy Celeriac "Verde da Taglio" - Apium graveolens var. secalinum. Juicy, tender and aromatic. Rich in amino acids and vitamins. Table decoration and healing seasoning! Vegetation period - 63 days.  Plants grow to be 40-5..
Leaf celery "Zwolse krul"
Leaf сelery "Zwolse krul". An early, aromatic variety with deeply dissected leaves (like parsley). It is used fresh, and is suitable for drying and freezing. The crop can be harvested several times by cutting the entire plant (plants sho..
Leaf stalk celery "Nuget"
LEAF STALK CELERY "NUGET". An early kind. A leafstalk celery variety which grows best in heavy, humous, nicely cultivated but not wet soil. The crop grows in 80-90 days after sowing. The leafstalks are thick, fleshy, yellow and grow up t..
Сelery- stalk "Verde"
Stalk celery "Verde". Fresh and crispy petioles with a spicy taste. Medium early variety (from sowing to ripening 75-78 days). The rosette of leaves is upright, powerful. Forms stems 25-30 cm long and 3.5-4.5 cm wide at the base. To obta..
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